President Tours Ford Ventilator Factory

He said he might support another stimulus bill.

On Thursday, President Trump toured a Ford factory where coronavirus pandemic ventilators are currently being manufactured. He said that Michigan will receive federal assistance due to the recent dam failures and flooding. He also said he might support another fiscal stimulus bill to help prop up the economy during the present outbreak, although he did not provide any details on what he would like to see in such legislation.

“I think we will. I think we’re going to be helping people out,” the president said. “There could be one more nice shot.” Any new legislative stimulus bill would not look like the House’s recent $3 trillion version, he continued.

He wore a mask as he toured the back part of the factory but did not want to give the media the “pleasure” of seeing him in it. “I look better in a mask,” he joked.

He also called on the American economy to reopen even if there is a second wave of the global pandemic. “People say that’s a very distinct possibility,” he said. “It’s standard. And we’re going to put out the fires. We’re not going to close the country. We’re going to put out the fires.”

With respect to reopening the economy across the U.S., he said, “Americans who need and want to return to work should not be vilified.”

As the Lord Leads, Pray with Us…

  • For President Trump and the development of legislation for additional coronavirus relief funds.
  • With gratitude for factories like Ford that implemented the fabrication of the respiratory ventilators so quickly.
  • For the American economy as it begins to reopen to be able to gain strength and stability quickly.

Sources: Reuters, C-SPAN


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